formerly “320 Ministries”

Meet Lori Mac
Lori travels state to state and city to city in her pickup truck to bring the sound of the old hymns to the elderly through her Hope Player. (She might be the only one in America doing this!) It is her heart’s desire that the elderly would have the opportunity to hear the gospel message and the Hope Player provides that opportunity – even in their last moments of life. The reality is many of these precious souls are about to enter eternity and they are often quite drawn to these old hymns and the scripture that can lead them to eternal life in Jesus. Through the HOPE TOURS Lori is able to bring this message of hope directly to their doorstep all the while raising awareness and inspiring others to reach out to these “forgotten ones” in their own community.
Lori travels state to state and city to city in her pickup truck to bring the sound of the old hymns to the elderly through her Hope Player. (She might be the only one in America doing this!) It is her heart’s desire that the elderly would have the opportunity to hear the gospel message and the Hope Player provides that opportunity – even in their last moments of life. The reality is many of these precious souls are about to enter eternity and they are often quite drawn to these old hymns and the scripture that can lead them to eternal life in Jesus. Through the HOPE TOURS Lori is able to bring this message of hope directly to their doorstep all the while raising awareness and inspiring others to reach out to these “forgotten ones” in their own community.
- One of the fastest growing segments in our society.
- The population mostly overlooked and underserved by churches.
- Lori and her team of faithful volunteers and donors are making a difference.
Though the elderly population is growing, few churches have any outreach ministry to them. That is where we come in. All of us can play a part in making a difference in the lives of even one senior. One way is with the Hope Player. The peace and hope it brings to those in their final days and the comfort they find in the old familiar songs inspires Lori to continue traveling the country on her Hope Tours. Please consider coming alongside her and supporting her mission.
- One of the fastest growing segments in our society.
- The population mostly overlooked and underserved by churches.
- Lori and her team of faithful volunteers and donors are making a difference.
Though the elderly population is growing, few churches have any outreach ministry to them. That is where we come in. All of us can play a part in making a difference in the lives of even one senior. One way is with the Hope Player. The peace and hope it brings to those in their final days and the comfort they find in the old familiar songs inspires Lori to continue traveling the country on her Hope Tours. Please consider coming alongside her and supporting her mission.
The Hope Player
Lori had been singing the old gospel hymns in senior homes for many years before 2020. But soon after, when access to most senior homes was restricted, she looked for a way to continue bringing these songs of hope to seniors who found themselves isolated from family and friends. Lori teamed up with a company that could put her songs (and the songs of other artist friends) on a simple, easy to use player that she called the Hope Player. With the help of a loyal team of volunteers and financial donors, she has delivered these players at no charge to senior homes and hospice centers across the country on her Hope Tours.
The Hope Player
Lori had been singing the old gospel hymns in senior homes for many years before 2020. But soon after, when access to most senior homes was restricted, she looked for a way to continue bringing these songs of hope to seniors who found themselves isolated from family and friends. Lori teamed up with a company that could put her songs (and the songs of other artist friends) on a simple, easy to use player that she called the Hope Player. With the help of a loyal team of volunteers and financial donors, she has delivered these players at no charge to senior homes and hospice centers across the country on her Hope Tours.
“Dear Lori, I know the Lord sent you my way and it couldn’t have been more perfect timing to receive a Hope Player! I had a 90-year-old man ask for a hymn about a sparrow. He began to tear up and cry and told me that if the Lord takes care of the birds, He will surely take care of us!”
“We get a lot of use out of the Hope Player! We appreciate them dearly! They are the most convenient to grab and bring into a resident’s room, especially when it’s end of life cases.”
“Lori Mac is one of the most dedicated, driven people I know. With a quiet strength and unshakable faith, her vision for what can happen with the Hope Player cannot fail. I am honored to support her in any way.”
“Lori, I just want to thank you again for the HOPE PLAYERS. I have used them for two of my residents as they were in their last days here on earth. It brought them so much peace and comfort!”
“My mother passed away recently, and the Hope Player was such a comfort to her. It would calm her down when nothing else could. When she was alone in bed it would be playing, and she was often heard singing along to the songs. Mom had dementia so toward the end of her life she didn’t speak much anymore, however, she could still sing along to the songs! God Bless You Lori for all the work that you’re doing for the elderly!”
“What a brilliant, cost effective, and life-changing tool the Hope Player is. It brings God’s salvation and comfort to people, right when they most need it! BRAVO, Lori Mac.”
“My mother was a devout Christian and treasured listening to the Old Gospel Hymns. The HOPE PLAYER gave her many hours of comfort and peace, especially when she was alone at night or confined to bed because of being sick. Thank you, Lori, for being the Angel that had the vision to produce and distribute these players.”
“As owner of a group home for Alzheimer residents, the Hope Player has become a very important resource to our Home. From decreasing agitation, to providing enjoyment, to the ultimate aiding in their transition when leaving this earth, the Hope Player has become invaluable.”
“The Hope Player is a MUST for everyone who wants their loved one to be ushered into eternity with songs of praise!
“Our nursing home facilities have LOVED the Hope Player for the residents. I serve as the senior spiritual care consultant with the Good Samaritan Society and I’ve shared them with a number of our facilities and they have really appreciated them.”
“Thank you for the Hope Player. I was playing it for my mom when she passed and the song Come Home (Softly and Tenderly) was playing when she took her last breath.”
“I had a 99-year-old resident on Hospice whom I had given a Hope Player to a week before she passed away. Her daughter let me know how much she loved the music and how it helped her to find peace so she could rest. I truly believe God used it to soothe her soul while she was passing from this world into the arms of our Lord.”
“I just delivered a Hope Player to a critically ill patient who is a gospel singer in his church — his nurse told me that the patient loves it, and that his heart rate immediately went down when he started to listen. Thank you for making a positive difference for our patients!”
“As soon as Lori gave me the Hope Player, I knew exactly who would need it –a resident in Memory Care who loves music more than anyone I’ve ever met. I watched a tear roll down her face from the music. She loved it so much!”
“Dear Lori, I know the Lord sent you my way and it couldn’t have been more perfect timing to receive a Hope Player! I had a 90-year-old man ask for a hymn about a sparrow. He began to tear up and cry and told me that if the Lord takes care of the birds, He will surely take care of us!”
“We get a lot of use out of the Hope Player! We appreciate them dearly! They are the most convenient to grab and bring into a resident’s room, especially when it’s end of life cases.”
“Lori Mac is one of the most dedicated, driven people I know. With a quiet strength and unshakable faith, her vision for what can happen with the Hope Player cannot fail. I am honored to support her in any way.”
“Lori, I just want to thank you again for the HOPE PLAYERS. I have used them for two of my residents as they were in their last days here on earth. It brought them so much peace and comfort!”
“My mother passed away recently, and the Hope Player was such a comfort to her. It would calm her down when nothing else could. When she was alone in bed it would be playing, and she was often heard singing along to the songs. Mom had dementia so toward the end of her life she didn’t speak much anymore, however, she could still sing along to the songs! God Bless You Lori for all the work that you’re doing for the elderly!”
“What a brilliant, cost effective, and life-changing tool the Hope Player is. It brings God’s salvation and comfort to people, right when they most need it! BRAVO, Lori Mac.”
“My mother was a devout Christian and treasured listening to the Old Gospel Hymns. The HOPE PLAYER gave her many hours of comfort and peace, especially when she was alone at night or confined to bed because of being sick. Thank you, Lori, for being the Angel that had the vision to produce and distribute these players.”
“As owner of a group home for Alzheimer residents, the Hope Player has become a very important resource to our Home. From decreasing agitation, to providing enjoyment, to the ultimate aiding in their transition when leaving this earth, the Hope Player has become invaluable.”
“The Hope Player is a MUST for everyone who wants their loved one to be ushered into eternity with songs of praise!
“Our nursing home facilities have LOVED the Hope Player for the residents. I serve as the senior spiritual care consultant with the Good Samaritan Society and I’ve shared them with a number of our facilities and they have really appreciated them.”
“Thank you for the Hope Player. I was playing it for my mom when she passed and the song Come Home (Softly and Tenderly) was playing when she took her last breath.”
“I had a 99-year-old resident on Hospice whom I had given a Hope Player to a week before she passed away. Her daughter let me know how much she loved the music and how it helped her to find peace so she could rest. I truly believe God used it to soothe her soul while she was passing from this world into the arms of our Lord.”
“I just delivered a Hope Player to a critically ill patient who is a gospel singer in his church — his nurse told me that the patient loves it, and that his heart rate immediately went down when he started to listen. Thank you for making a positive difference for our patients!”
“As soon as Lori gave me the Hope Player, I knew exactly who would need it –a resident in Memory Care who loves music more than anyone I’ve ever met. I watched a tear roll down her face from the music. She loved it so much!”